7:30 am - 8:30 am |
Breakfast Exhibit Hall BC
7:30 am - 1:30 pm |
Expo Open Exhibit Hall BC
8:30 am - 10:00 am |
Concurrent Tracks
Track 1: Production and Operations
Ethanol’s Better Mousetrap: Developing New Yeast Strains as a Means to Increase Plant Yields Room 101HI
Read Description
Because the value of even the smallest of gains delivered by new strains may ultimately be multiplied across billions of gallons of production, a strong effort persists to develop yeasts that yield more ethanol, require fewer nutrients and produce less low-value byproducts. Attendees who make a point of staying abreast of the latest in engineered yeasts will appreciate this annual update from the world’s leading developers of industrial yeasts and their thinking on the strain characteristics most beneficial for ethanol production. Moderator: Ben Sunderhaus, Technical Services Manager, Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits
- Kerry Hollands, Senior Research Investigator, DuPont Industrial Biosciences
The Power and Breadth of Yeast Modification
- Matt Richards, Director, Application Technology, Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits
Pushing the Limits on Yield: Advanced Yeast Providing Further Efficiencies in Fuel Ethanol Production
- Pauline Teunissen, Staff Scientist, DuPont Industrial Biosciences
Increasing Ethanol Yield using Yeast Engineering
Track 2: Leadership and Financial Management
How Successful Ethanol Plant Boards Predict and Adjust for the Future Room 200BC
Read Description
Ethanol plant boards are often asked the impossible: to predict the future. Reacting in real time is no longer ample. Producers now have to anticipate almost everything: regulations, tax reform, markets, trade and employee needs. Making accurate predictions requires organizational intelligence. Acting on predictions requires agility. In this session, you’ll learn how to leverage new ways of thinking about management, positioning your business for success as you adopt new ways to buy, produce, sell, hire and lead. Panelists will discuss the merits of proactive management, great leadership, improved financial reporting, and ethanol plant workforce trends. Moderator: Sue Retka Schill, Senior Editor, Ethanol Producer Magazine
- Donna Funk, Principal, K-Coe Isom
The Ethanol Business Model of the Future
- Scott McDermott, Partner, Ascendant Partners Inc.
25-Year Review of Board and Management Leadership Best Practices
- Connie Lindstrom, Benchmarking Consultant, Christianson PLLP
Labor: Costs and Challenges for Today’s Plants
Track 3: Coproducts and Product Diversification
The Continuing Innovation in Corn Oil Extraction and Conversion and How to Make the Most of It at Your Plant Room 101FG
Read Description
While the practice of corn-oil extraction has become common across the ethanol industry, each plant’s extraction efficiency remains unique. This panel will begin with an analysis of the factors that impact corn oil extraction rates before moving on to an investigation of the technologies and process approaches available to move producers beyond their current rate of capture. The discussion will conclude with a close look at a bolt-on technology available for producers looking to put these increased corn oil streams to work while also diversifying their final product mix Moderator: John Caupert, Executive Director, National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center
- Min Wang, Applications Manager, Croda Inc.
Development and Evaluation of Next Generation Extraction Aid
- Jennifer Aurandt, Director of Technical Services, Valicor Inc.
How is Your Distillers Corn Oil Pound per Bushel Yield Achieved?
- Virginia Klausmeier, CEO & Founder, Sylvatex Inc.
Sylvatex: Expanding the Value of Ethanol
- Charles Hurburgh, Jr., Professor, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State University Iowa Grain Quality Initiative
Accurate Near Infrared Analysis Programs for Expanding Supply Chain Quality Requests or Food Safety Requirements
Track 1: Production and Operations
How to Move Your Operation Toward a Proactive Approach to Asset Management and Plant Maintenance Room 200DE
Read Description
In this era of record production, no producer can afford to have production slowed or even idled because of an unplanned outage. This, coupled with the fact that a sizeable number of plants are over a decade old, means that asset management and maintenance programs require the attention of plant management teams and boards. There is a way to proactively manage and complete required cleaning, maintenance and non-destructive testing and still attain production goals but it requires the kind of strategic planning outlined by the presenters in this panel. Moderator: Phil Madson, President, KATZEN International Inc.
- Erica Montefusco, Director, Environmental, Health, Safety, Security, Green Plains Inc.
Understanding Your NDT and Your Assets’ End of Life
- Bob Garstki, Senior Application Engineer, Lechler, Inc.
Improving Efficiency in Ethanol Production by Selecting the Optimum Tank Cleaning Equipment
- Jay Beckel, Vice President, Safety & Health, ERI Solutions, Inc.
Asset Integrity Management
- Dan Yarmoluk, Director, Business Development, ATEK Technologies
Condition Based Maintenance: Made Easy
National Advanced Biofuels Conference & Expo
The Compelling Argument for Carbon Reduction or Capture Strategies at Ethanol or Biodiesel Plants Room 205AB
Read Description
Markets that reward low-carbon fuels are already here and forecasted to grow worldwide as countries work to drive down the carbon intensity of their economies. Conventional biofuels already offer a lower carbon profile when compared to their fossil fuel equivalents, but technologies do exist to substantially increase those reductions. This panel will look closely at carbon capture or reduction approaches available now and under development while also asking whether or not existing marketplace premiums are able to justify their cost. Moderator: Lisa Gibson, Managing Editor, Ethanol Producer Magazine
- Brendan Jordan, Vice President, Great Plains Institute
CO2 as a Source of Revenue: State and Federal Policies to Reward Carbon Capture and Storage from Ethanol Plants
- Sai Gollakota, Project Manager, National Energy Technology Lab, U.S.DOE
Carbon Dioxide Capture, Utilization, and Storage: An Emerging Economic Opportunity for Fuel Ethanol Plants in the U.S.
- Daniel Sanchez, Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Global Ecology, Carnegie Institution for Science
Cost-Effective Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage from Biorefineries in the United States
- Matt Herman, Coordinator, Environmental Compliance & Services, Renewable Energy Group
Carbon Intensity Reduction Opportunities in Biomass-Based Diesel Production |
8:40 am |
Saola Energy - Joshua Donahue & Adam Belyamani
The benefits for plants to self-perform capital improvement projects |
9:20 am |
D3MAX - Mark Yancey
D3MAX: Producing Higher Yields from Corn Fiber at Lower Cost |
10:00 am |
Praj - Shrikant Rathi
Advanced Technologies for Simultaneous Expansion & Product Diversification to Higher Grades of Beverage, Industrial Alcohol at Corn to Ethanol Plants |
10:00 am - 10:30 am |
Refreshment Break in the Expo Exhibit Hall BC
10:40 am |
Buhler - Lucas Peterson
MultimpactMax Hammer Mill |
10:30 am - Noon |
Concurrent Tracks
Track 1: Production and Operations
The Liquefaction Waypoint: Analytical and Process Options Available to Producers Hoping to Avoid Common Yield Limiters during this Critical Production Step Room 101HI
Read Description
Producers know that effectively cooking their corn flour slurry and making starches more available for enzymes to saccharify them is crucial to achieving their yield goals. This same process step continues to invite process tweaks and enhancements all aimed at greater access to simple sugars for yeast populations during fermentation. This panel will look at both novel thermal and enzymatic process enhancements available to producers who have identified an opportunity for increased yield in their liquefaction/saccharification step. Moderator: John Caupert, Executive Director, National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center
- Loren Chen, President, East Tide Science & Technology
The Effects of Jet-Cooking on the Enzymatic Degradation of Starch
- Martijn Scheffers, Senior Scientist, DuPont Industrial Biosciences
More Effective Nitrogen Usage of a Simultaneous Saccharification Biofuel Fermentation System by Applying a Thermostable Serine Protease to the Liquefaction
- Matt Hawkins, Application & Field Scientist, Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits
Fusel Oils in Corn to Fuel Ethanol Production
Track 2: Leadership and Financial Management
Preparing for New and Indefinite Policy, Regulatory and Tax Code Modifications Room 200BC
Read Description
As the Trump Administration makes good on its pledge to reverse certain Obama-Era environmental regulations, the ethanol industry is scrambling to keep up and influence outcomes where it can. This panel will serve as a summary of new and changing federal regulations that affect ethanol plants. Speakers will explain updates to the RFS—the REGS rule, in particular—and the potential impacts of proposed tax code changes. Attendees will also be briefed on the EPA’s tightened sulfur limits, which will require producers to maintain tighter control of sulfur in their fuel. Moderator: Mark Palmer, Executive Director, Renewable Fuels Nebraska
- Jessica Karras-Bailey, Principal, RTP Environmental Associates Inc.
How Changes at the White House May Affect Your Plant
- Donna Funk, Principal, K-Coe Isom
Tax Reform: Opportunities and Challenges for the Ethanol Industry
- Monty McCoy, Director of Technology, Process Technologies, U.S. Water
Implications of Recent Regulatory Changes and Technological Advances to Fuel Ethanol Quality
- Ernie Pollitzer, President, Clean Energy Consultants
New EPA Regulations on RFS Program
Track 1: Production and Operations
How Data can be Used by Ethanol Producers to Increase Yield, Optimize Required Maintenance, Manage Regulatory Burdens and Identify Top Operators Room 101FG
Read Description
Producers are well aware of the yield gains available to them using data capture and predictive control approaches. That said finding the sweet spot where the delivered yield returns and production efficiencies are proportional to the investment to get them is complicated. Producers reluctant to gather and use data more extensively because they fear giving up control of plant operation to some nameless program will appreciate this panel’s focus on process control software as an enhancement to, and not a replacement for, skilled and intuitive human operators. Moderator: Anna Simet, Managing Editor, Biomass Magazine
- Andrea Foglesong, Project Manager, RTP Environmental Associates Inc.
By Complying with FSMA You Just Violated Your Air Permit: Cross Referencing Your Regulatory Obligations
- Ed Thomas, Plant Manager, Carbon Green Bioenergy LLC
Advanced Process Control Optimization Strategies for Grain Ethanol Producers
- Hank Brittain, Director, Optimization & Advanced Control, OPX Control
Control Strategies to Improve Production in Ethanol Plants: From Single Loop to Advanced Control
- Cam Fowler, Senior Director Technical Service & Marketing, Phibro Ethanol Performance Group
Finding Your Rockstar Operator II
Track 4: Infrastructure and Market Development
The Impact of Foreign Markets on U.S. Ethanol Production and the Efforts to Find and Grow New Ones Room 200DE
Read Description
Export markets currently consume less than 10% of annual production, but many industry stakeholders see these markets as the best opportunity for near term growth. Establishing an interest for ethanol in these new destinations requires a thorough understanding of the energy and public health goals of each potential marketplace. This panel will examine where ethanol has already won market share, where the industry is most actively working to win new opportunities and which value propositions are finding the most traction with foreign buyers. Moderator: Lisa Gibson, Managing Editor, Ethanol Producer Magazine
- Jim Miller, President, Agriculture and Biofuel Policy Consulting
Ethanol Trade: Building Overseas Markets to Add Value to the Industry
- Brian Healy, Manager, Ethanol Export Market Development, U.S. Grains Council
Growing the Global Ethanol Market: The Importance of Market Development and Partnerships Across the APEC Region
- Sophie Byron, Managing Editor, Americas Agriculture Pricing, Platts
U.S. Ethanol Exports: 2017 and Beyond
- Robert Johansson, Chief Economist, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Outlook for U.S. Agriculture, Policy, and Biofuels---2017
National Advanced Biofuels Conference & Expo
Examining the Advanced Biofuels Market through the Lens of RIN Production and RIN Markets Room 205AB
Read Description
The production of advanced biofuels RINs and the marketplace for those RINs is a crucial piece of the economics of any advanced biofuel production venture. Presenters in this panel will explore the relationship between RIN prices, volumetric production requirements and RIN waivers and what it means for producers considering an advanced biofuel investment. This panel is a must for any producer looking to bring clarity to their return-on-investment calculations for efficient production or advanced biofuel investments. Moderator: Ron Kotrba, Editor, Biodiesel Magazine
- Larry Schafer, Principal, Playmaker Strategies LLC
Inside the Advanced Biofuels Programs (D4 and D5) RIN Numbers
- Ashley Player, Senior Manager, Weaver and Tidwell L.L.P.
Generating Advanced RINs at a Corn Ethanol Plant
- Lily Wachter, Chief Financial Officer, Edeniq Inc.
Generating D3 RINs has a High Return on Investment (ROI)
- Brad Pleima, Senior Engineer & Renewable Energy Consultant, EcoEngineers
Moving Beyond D6: Opportunities in Advanced Biofuels |
11:20 am |
Valicor - Jason Hugie
Real time monitoring of your DCO extraction system |
Noon - 1:30 pm |
Lunch in the Expo Exhibit Hall BC
1:30 pm |
Exhibitor Move-Out |
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm |
Concurrent Tracks
Track 1: Production and Operations
Cost Effective Strategies Available to Reduce the Risk of Bacterial Contamination at Your Plant Room 101HI
Read Description
Ethanol plants are forever walking the tightrope of creating an operating condition where some micro-organisms survive and thrive while others are kept entirely at bay. Management teams do have multiple options at their disposal including antibiotic and non-antibiotic measures. This panel will feature presentations from purveyors of both but will also offer a more holistic view of microbial control including the implementation of a culture of plant hygiene that seeks to cost effectively control bacterial outbreaks regardless of the treatment pathway a plant intends to deploy. Moderator: Wendy Clikeman, Lab Manager, Pine Lake Corn Processors LP
- Dennis Bayrock, R&D Director, Phibro Ethanol Performance Group
Elevated H2S Production at Fuel Ethanol Plants: Addressing All Sources of Production in Addition to Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB)
- Allen Ziegler, Biofuels Consultant, Hydrite Chemical Co.
A New Gram Negative/Positive Antimicrobial that also Reduces Glycerol in Biofuel and Beverage Fermentations
- Tera Stoughtenger, Technical Services Manager, Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits
Poor Plant Hygiene: Things to Monitor and Control for More Consistent and Reliable Fermentation
- Stacey Campbell, Ethanol Technical Services Manager, BetaTec Hop Products
Naturally Derived Antimicrobials for Ethanol Production
Track 2: Leadership and Financial Management
Protecting Ethanol Plants from Incidents Before and After They Occur Room 200BC
Read Description
While ethanol plants are safe workplaces, no industrial facility is immune to the risk of incidents including employee injury, property damage, fire and accidental environmental release. This session will include a detailed review of a decade of data on ethanol plant incidents, providing context for the associated risks of mishaps. Speakers will also discuss tank fire mitigation solutions, how ethanol plants can build money-saving relationships with their insurance providers, and effective plans for managing media relations if and when spills, accidents and emergencies happen.
Moderator: Tim Portz, Vice President of Content, BBI International
- Nathan Vander Griend, President, ERI Solutions, Inc.
Incident Trends in Ethanol Production: 10-Year Review
- Erica Montefusco, Director, Environmental, Health, Safety, Security, Green Plains Inc.
Managing Your Relationship with Your Property Insurer
- Henry Persson, Project Leader, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden-Safety/Fire Research
Ethanol is Not Gasoline: What You Should Know in Case of a Tank Fire!
Track 3: Coproducts and Product Diversification
Beyond Distillers: A Look at the Innovative Ways Ethanol's Number One Coproduct is Being Reimagined to Deliver More Overall Value Room 101FG
Read Description
Producers not satisfied with the market conditions or price trends for distiller’s grains will appreciate this panel’s focus on production approaches that promise to open markets that so far have eluded the industry. In particular, presentations will draw a dotted line between the protein that already exists in plant coproduct streams and the sizeable aquaculture market. In another presentation a field study examining the possibility of using distillers’ coproduct streams as an alternative source of phosphorous fertilizer will be presented.
Moderator: Jennifer Aurandt, Director of Technical Services, Valicor Inc.
- Larry Feinberg, CEO, KnipBio
Value-Added Ingredients for Sustainable Aquaculture Utilizing Ethanol as a Feedstock
- Jasper Teboh, Research Assistant Professor, Soil Science, Carrington Research Extension Center, North Dakota State University
Ethanol Coproducts: CDS and WDG Show Prospects as Alternative Phosphorus Fertilizer Sources for Corn and Wheat
- Peter Williams, Professor, Fluid Quip Process Technologies LLC
High Protein Feed Ingredients from the Fuel Ethanol Grain Process
- Bryan Tracy, CEO & Cofounder, White Dog Labs
Low Cost Conversion of Condensed Distillers Solubles into High Value Single Cell Protein
Track 1: Production and Operations
Engineering and Technological Approaches Available to Plant Teams Looking to Debottleneck Their Facility and Make the Most of the Production Asset They Already Have Room 200DE
Read Description
Most ethanol plants have been operating for a decade or longer and have been working to debottleneck production since the plant was commissioned. As a result, wringing additional yield out of mature plants is becoming more and more difficult. Nevertheless, plant teams that manage to boost throughput with minimal capital expenditures are rewarded with the lowest-cost production increases they could hope to find. This panel will investigate the potential that both engineering audits and new technologies have to get the very last drop of product out of existing plants. Moderator: Jamey Cline, Business Development, Christianson PLLP
- John Kwik, President, Fluid Quip Process Technologies LLC
Effective Plant Constraint Evaluation Process
- George Baskin, Principal, Project Development, Burns & McDonnell
Getting More: Debottlenecking Starch-based Ethanol Plants
- Stephan Blum, CoFounder & Head of Research, Whitefox Technologies Limited
More Gallons and Improved Steam Consumption with Existing Infrastructure
- Mayumi Kiyono, Business Development Manager, Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings America Inc.
Dehydration Process of Bioethanol Manufacturing with a State-of-Art Membrane Technology called ZEBREX
National Advanced Biofuels Conference & Expo
Innovations in Biodiesel Processing, Quality Testing & Products Room 205AB
Read Description
In the cutting-edge world of biomass-based diesel technology and processing, new industrial techniques are continuously developing to keep up with demand for lower-cost biodiesel production, tighter quality specs, and broader options in biofuels and chemicals. This panel will feature several experts in the field who will cover the spectrum of this growing industry’s most recent developments, including new insight into testing as related to improving consistency of fuel quality and performance, novel products development, and an emerging renewable diesel process.
Moderator: Ron Kotrba, Editor, Biodiesel Magazine
- Richard Heiden, Principal Investigator, R.W. Heiden Associates LLC
New Twists in the Measurement and Fate of Residual Free Glycerin in B100 Biodiesel
- Atul Deshmane, President, Whole Energy Fuels Corp.
A Novel Estolide Lubricant Pathway
- Joseph Ross, Business Development Manager, North America, Axens
Hydroconversion of Lipids into Biojet and Renewable Diesel
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm |
Refreshment Break 200 Lobby & 101 Lobby
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm |
Concurrent Tracks
Track 1: Production and Operations
The Startling New Science on How Biofilms Can Negatively Impact Your Plant and How to Get Them Under Control Room 101HI
Read Description
Ethanol producers have been working to control biofilm formation within their facilities and limit their negative impact on yield since the industry began. With the advent of the Food Safety and Modernization Act the number of arrows in a management team’s biofilm control quiver has been reduced. Presentations in this panel will outline the best path forward for biofilm control within the context of FSMA regulations as well as the efficiency gains available to those producers looking to aggressively attack this ongoing production bottleneck.
Moderator: Dennis Bayrock, R&D Director, Phibro Ethanol Performance Group
- Andrew Ledlie, Marketing Manager, Solenis LLC
A New Technology for Identifying and Controlling Biofilm Issues Which Can Limit Summer Cooling Capacity and Ethanol Production
- Jim Lukanich, Director of Applied Technology, U.S. Water
Managing Biofilm Control in FSMA Compliant Cooling Water Applications
- Greg Hoffpauir, Regional Engineer/Process Specialist, GE Water & Process Technologies
Deposit Control in Stillage Evaporators
- Wayne Mattsfield, Staff Scientist, Phibro Ethanol Performance Group
Understanding and Defeating Biofilms
Track 2: Leadership and Financial Management
Expanding Your Risk Management Playlist with New and Alternative Tracks Room 200BC
Read Description
Beyond managing margins on inputs and outputs, today’s ethanol producers must incorporate all manner of potential regulatory exposures into their book of risk stratagem. On this panel, speakers will explain how and why specific risk measures are taken, while others are avoided, to stay profitable and secure positive financial opportunities when they arise. Panelists will also discuss interrelated policy, trade and commodity dynamics that could affect future crush margins, as well as ancillary risk management activities like safeguarding ethanol plants and equipping them with solar as a bolt-on energy hedge. Moderator: Timothy Rudnicki, Executive Director, Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association
- Chip Whalen, VP Education & Research, Commodity & Ingredient Hedging
Considerations for Establishing Ethanol Margin Protection
- Will Babler, Principal, Atten Babler Risk Management LLC
Crush Margin Management: Managing New Policy and Commodity Market Risks in 2017
- Jay Beckel, Vice President, Safety & Health, ERI Solutions Inc.
Risk Management: More than Managing Commodities
- Nicholas Franco, Director, Sustainability Services, Kinect Energy Group
Solar as a Hedge against Rising Electric Prices
Track 3: Coproducts and Product Diversification
Pathways Available to Producers Looking to Get Their Coproduct Program Out of the Commodity Trap and Into Value-Add Room 101FG
Read Description
Ethanol producers manufacture over 40 million tons of distiller’s grains per year. The associated revenues from this product often propel plant balance sheets into the black. Still, DDGS has become a globally traded commodity that has faced downward price pressure. For that reason, the science of producing distillers grains rich in the compounds that contribute significantly to animal health is advancing rapidly. This panel will explore the pathways available to producers today as well as those still under development, that hold exciting promise.
Moderator: Sue Retka Schill, Managing Editor, Ethanol Producer Magazine
- Ryan Mass, Feed Business Manager, ICM Inc.
The Next Generation of Feed™: An Examination of Distillers Feed Products
- Douglas Tiffany, Research Fellow, University of Minnesota
Economics of Producing Phytate and Inositol Coproducts at Ethanol Plants
- Scott Kohl, VP Technology and Process Improvement, White Energy
Probiotic Production Using Distillers Grains
- John Hannon, Chief Operating Officer, Vertimass LLC
Ethanol Conversion to Gasoline, Diesel or Jet Fuel Blend Stocks and Higher Value Chemicals (BTX)
Track 4: Infrastructure and Market Development
Strategies to Ensure Domestic and Foreign Fuel Specification Requirements Don’t Limit Marketplace Access for Ethanol Room 200DE
Read Description
The struggle to introduce and grow demand for E15 serves as a perfect case study for the drag that fuel specifications and ill-conceived regulation can place on market growth. In the absence of an RVP waiver, E15 remains a seasonal fuel that has retailers hesitant to introduce it to their customers. Similar and even more vexing challenges face the industry as it seeks to open and expand new export markets. International fuel specifications matter and producers are wise to understand the subtle differences in specifications and testing while folding them into their QA protocols.
Moderator: Chuck Corr, Manager, Biofuels Technical Service, ADM
- Shon Van Hulzen, Director of Quality Control, POET
What Plant Quality Teams Need to Know about New D02 Fuel Specifications and Test Methods
- Kristy Moore, Principal, KMoore Consulting LLC
What Every Producer Must Know about International Fuel Specifications
- Chris Bliley, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, Growth Energy
Navigating the Many Federal Regulations that Can Limit Producer Access to Vital Markets
National Advanced Biofuels Conference & Expo
Imagining Your Plant’s Future in Advanced Biofuels Production and the Technologies Available Now to Get You There Room 205AB
Read Description
Established biofuel production facilities with a history of success and healthy cash flows offer a compelling opportunity for the developers of bolt-on technologies. Similarly, bolt-on technologies offer existing facilities a capital-light pathway to new markets that may provide a healthier margin than the markets they are selling into now. Representatives of emerging, bolt-on technologies working to prove the economic viability of their process will present their business case to producers ready to make advanced biofuels production a piece of their operating strategy. Moderator: Tim Portz, Vice President of Content, BBI International
- Mark Fashian, President, Biodiesel Analytical Solutions
Higher Yield, Bolt-On Biodiesel Production from Inedible Distillers Corn Oil Using the Continuous, Glycerin-free Mcgyan Process
- Neal Jakel, VP, Strategy & Technology, Fluid Quip Process Technologies LLC
Technology Pathway to “Clean Sugar” for the Green Biochem Revolution
- Amol Sheth, General Manager, Advanced Biofuels and Bio Chemicals, PRAJ Industries Limited
PRAJ's Showcase and Success Story at Integrated 2G Demonstration Plant in India
- James Kacmar, Pathway Program Director, Edeniq
Produce Cellulosic Ethanol in Existing Plants with Edeniq’s Pathway Platform
5:00 pm |
Sessions Conclude |
7:10 pm |
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